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Excellent blog, Chris! It links to my first comments on the final draft EU Adequacy Decision on the UK, here:
https://www.ianbrown.tech/2021/06/17/initial-comments-on-the-eu-commissions-final-gdpr-adequacy-decision-on-the-uk/ It is incredible that the Commission has no worries about UK divergence and intended further divergence (read: watering down of data protection and human rights law).

The authors have quaint ideas about the common law and continental "Napoleonic, code-based, civil law" approaches. In fact, these have been getting closer for decades, with the common law increasingly hedged in with statute law and continental code-based law increasingly dependent on judge-made interpretations of broad principles ("fairness", "faut", etc.).

The Brexiteers cling to romantic, 19th Century notions without taking the trouble to look at reality (again).

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