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I take your point that this ruling doesn’t necessarily mean anything more than search-engine-data-controllers (and hence regulators and courts) will need to balance Article 8 and Article 10 ECHR rights, but I do think (in light of that) what is notable about the CJEU’s findings is its own lack of attention to Article 10 ECHR, or Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (as Anya Proops points out in this piece http://www.thelawyer.com/analysis/opinion/privacy-but-at-what-price/3020995.article).

Surely the issue of people appealing to the ICO will come up only if Google checks and assesses each complaint rigorously. They might not do that - it may be simpler and cheaper for them to just remove results on request, in a similar way that newspaper comments sections do. Now you can argue that Google would then be complicit but it's obviously a private business and has no obligation to provide all information however valuable it is to the public.

I was considering the impact it might have on their brand. Google makes its billions by promising a comprehensive search. If it rolls over then would people look elsewhere for their search requirements? We have a partial answer to this already as Google removes links breaching copyright already, and it hasn't lost them money. I suspect Google may put in place a process which makes people jump several hurdles with an output that can be assessed easily by a handful of people. They may reject applications more often than not, but persistent applicants will be successful after they have exhausted the internal process and applied to the ICO or other authority. The point at which expensive lawyers get involved would be the point to cave in.

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