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This is an interesting analysis of the issue, and from the VERY limited coverage that I have seen as an American, it offers a view that I have not see well represented. Thanks for that.

Also as an American, I start in an entirely different place. You probably already know what's coming. Our First Amendment frowns broadly on any prior restraint of the press. Even in national security matters, prior restraints are highly disfavored. Prior restraints for personal privacy are rarer, I believe.

So the entire discussion of standards for prior restraint is pretty foreign on this side of the Atlantic. We don't even have to get to the practicalities of the situation that it just won't work in nearly all cases. The Internet and all that. I am surprised that there isn't a superinjunction.org site (in a suitably foreign jurisdiction) that collects and reports on all the facts in these cases. Maybe there is, of course.

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