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Familial DNA is a point, which frequently appears to counter the point made.

Not being an expert in the value of near match DNA it is more difficult to see the value at that point, unless having a whole family of suspects, when a near match is found, would allow the police to demand DNA from every member. In the current climate it would certainly provide sufficient cause to seriously focus investigative techniques upon a given group of people.

The statistics also show (if I recall them correctly) that most people stop offending, and that after a particular age offending rates drop very significantly.

The answers to the questions do seem to depend upon the preferred approach of the individual responding, and whilst the system states people are innocent until proven guilty, in the real world many police rarely act in that way as their pressures are to find evidence sufficient to convict any given offender.

Asking the questions about retention of data are always difficult in policing circles as the answers provided are not always based on, or easily validated to robust facts. More often weight is given to a value response that is perceived as responding to the strategy required of the police in order to provide a political fit, as that generally appears to have more promotional value.

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"An excellent blog post by English privacy law experts Amberhawk - "Long retention of DNA personal data has little to do with detecting ordinary crime" analyses official statistics on young male re-offenders to make some telling points about DNA data retention.."

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